Auriga, Proceedings at the extraordinary general meeting on 23 November 2015 – adoption of authorisation for share buy-back and authorisation to delist the company

Udgivet den 23-11-2015  |  kl. 10:59  |  

Auriga Industries A/S, Harboøre, Denmark, 2015-11-23 10:59 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  


Company announcement no. 23/2015

23 November 2015



Proceedings at the extraordinary general meeting on 23 November 2015 – adoption of authorisation for share buy-back and authorisation to delist the company

On Monday, 23 November 2015 at 10.30 am CET, an extraordinary general meeting in Auriga Industries A/S, CVR no. 34 62 92 18, was held, cf. company announcement no. 22/2015 of 30 October 2015.

The following were adopted at the general meeting:

  1. Proposal from the Board of Directors regarding acquisition of treasury shares.

    The Board of Directors was authorised until the next annual general meeting in 2016 to acquire treasury Class B shares with a nominal value of up to DKK 3,600,000 (equivalent to 70.6 % of the total share capital and 100 % of the Class B share capital at the time of the authorisation) at a purchase price of DKK 2.60 per Class B share of nominally DKK 0.20.

    In continuation of the final decision to initiate the share buy-back, Auriga will publish a company announcement. Also, an offer document will be submitted to the company’s shareholders containing the specific terms of the share buy-back (including an acceptance form). The offer document will be forwarded to the shareholders taking into account the limitations set out in the offer document and will also be available on the company’s website


  1. Proposal from the Board of Directors regarding application for delisting from Nasdaq Copenhagen.

    The Board of Directors was authorised to seek the company delisted from Nasdaq Copenhagen (application for deletion from trade on Nasdaq Copenhagen). 




Lene Faurskov
Manager, Investor Relations
Mobile: +45 41 64 05 04




Vedhæftede filer:

Auriga-Proceedings at EGM 2015 - adoption of authorisation for share buy-back and to delist the company -2015-11-23.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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