HMS Networks AB (publ) acquires Raster Products B.V.

Udgivet den 01-05-2019  |  kl. 16:00  |  

HMS Industrial Networks AB, a wholly owned subsidiary of HMS Networks AB (publ), located in Halmstad, Sweden, has today acquired all shares in Raster Products B.V., located in Dreumel, The Netherlands, from the current owner Raster Beheer B.V., an ICT Group N.V. company.  

For several years, Raster Products B.V. has been HMS' primary distributor of Ewon products in the Netherlands. Raster Products B.V., employs 7 people and is expected to realize a turnover of EUR 2 million in 2019, out of which approximately 80 % is Ewon product sales.

HMS will continue the business of Raster Products B.V. and build a foundation for increased HMS sales and marketing activities in the Netherlands, which is expected to be an interesting market for the future.

The acquisition will have a limited impact on HMS' sales and earnings per share in 2019. 

For more information, please contact:
Staffan Dahlström, CEO HMS, +46 (0)35 17 29 01
Joakim Nideborn, CFO HMS, +46 (0)35 710 6983

HMS Networks AB (publ) is the leading independent supplier of solutions for industrial communication and the Industrial Internet of Things. HMS develops and manufactures products under the Anybus®, Ixxat® and Ewon® brands. Communication solutions for building automation are offered through the subsidiary Intesis. Development and manufacturing take place at the headquarters in Halmstad, and in Ravensburg, Nivelles, Igualada, Wetzlar and Buchen. Local sales and support are handled by branch offices in Germany, USA, Japan, China, Singapore, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, India, UK, Sweden, Finland, South Korea and UAE, as well as through a worldwide network of distributors and partners. HMS employs over 600 people and reported sales of SEK 1,366 million in 2018. HMS is listed on the NASDAQ OMX in Stockholm, category Mid Cap, Information Technology.


PRM - HMS acquires Raster Products B.V (ENG)


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