Welltec Q1 2020 Interim Report and investor conference call announcement

Udgivet den 20-05-2020  |  kl. 10:04  |  

Company announcement no. 2/2020

May 20th 2020

Q1 2020 Interim Report and Investor Conference Call Announcement

Welltec® will disclose its 2020 Q1 Interim Report and will discuss the results during an investor conference call to be held Thursday May 28th 2020 at 5 pm CEST.

The conference call will be available only for current and prospective bond holders, broker dealers and securities analysts and can be accessed by dialing in a few minutes before the start and informing the operator that you would like to participate in Welltec's investor conference call.

Relevant dial-in details and conference ID can be obtained by contacting keghoej@welltec.com and registering for the call. Registration will not be possible once the investor conference has started.

The Annual Report will be made available on the "Investor Room" on Welltec's website at http://www.welltec.com/investors.

For further information, please contact:

Søren Søgaard Suhr, CFO.

Cell:  +45 20 34 04 88

E-mail: ssuhr@welltec.com

Company Profile

Welltec® develops and delivers technology and solutions intended to transform the oil and gas industry. Our game-changing solutions are dedicated to optimizing the management and development of clients' assets, both in the form of well completion technology and intervention services required to ensure performance and integrity. We operate in all types of onshore and offshore well environments, including the most extreme and hostile, such as deepwater, subsea, extended reach, heavy oil and unconventional gas and oil wells. Our lightweight solutions are based on a vision to improve safety while reducing environmental risks, fuel consumption and carbon footprints.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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