Zbee, the electric pod, to be part of public transport in Moldova.

Udgivet den 22-01-2019  |  kl. 14:50  |  

Clean Motion and the Energy Efficiency Agency Moldova, have signed a MoU to start a collaboration project that will be executed during 2019. The goal of the project is to reduce the CO2 emission in Moldova through the implementation of electric pods to support public transport in Chișinău, the capital of Moldova.

Clean Motion and the Energy Efficiency Agency of the Republic of Moldova, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enter into a collaborative demonstration project. The scope of the project is to reduce the CO2 emissions by introducing a new type of transportation system in order to enhance the conventional public transportation in Chișinău, the capital of the Republic of Moldova.

Niklas Ankarcrona, Chairman at Clean Motion says: "Moldova's plan to use Zbee as part of the public transport shows an innovative approach where they see that the use of new types of vehicles and business models are key for creating sustainable public transport"

The agreement is based upon that Clean Motion have been selected as the supplier of electric vehicles for the project which will purchase 8 Zbee to be used in public transportation services.

The main objective of the project is tо create the first electric vehicle infrastructure for public transport services in the Republic of Moldova. The project will develop several pilot activities at national level in the Republic of Moldova.
The main component of the project is the provision of public transport services using electric pods and installing 4 public charging stations for electric vehicles with a monitoring system for power consumption management. The eight Zbee will circulate Chisinau for the provision of public transport services.
Clean Motion and Energy Efficiency Agency Moldova are also in discussions of further collaboration in regards to Micro-Factory set up.

The MOU is part of Energy Efficiency Agency Moldova application for grants for the demonstration project in the Demo Environment Programme at Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket).


Visit from Moldova from left (Niklas Ankarcrona, Christoffer Sveder, Nicolae Soloviov from MEEA)

Visit from Moldova Enegry Efficiency Agency at Factory Sweden

Lerum, 2019-01-22

For information:
Niklas Ankarcrona, Chairman, Clean Motion AB
Phone: +46 735 310 273
Email: niklas@cleanmotion.se

Om Clean Motion AB
Clean Motion AB is a Swedish company that manufactures and sells electric vehicles. The company vision is to develop truly sustainable products that are affordable for the world's population. To achieve this Clean Motion have developed the next generation sustainable and efficient pod to meet the demand for future transport needs. The vehicle, Zbee, is a lightweight electric pod with high efficiency, which results in a good total cost of ownership. Clean Motion provides the transportation market with a safe and efficient vehicle for sustainable urban transportation.

Clean Motion AB is listed on First North vid Nasdaq Stockholm. Certified Adviser is G&W Fondkommission, e-mail: ca@gwkapital.se, phone: 08-503 000 50.
For further information, please visit: www.cleanmotion.se


Photo of Niklas Ankarcrona, Christoffer Sveder, Nicolae Soloviov from MEEA


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